Legal mentions

Legal mentions

Legal information

Registered Capital : 2 000 000 Euros
Siret (Business Registration) : 32572033200072  (Trade and Companies registry  of Annecy – 74)

APE code (Business sector) : 4648Z
VAT number : FR80 325 720 332
Publication Director : Charles BRUNET
Website hosted by : HOSTEUR – Route du Lac Lussy 201, 1618 Châtel Saint Denis, Suisse
Website creation:

The “ROCHET” trademark registered with the INPI and the internet website « » belong to the ROCHET GROUP SAS.

Any reproduction of this website contents as well as any use of the brand are strictly forbidden without our written agreement. 

Where to find us ?

Address :
Parc Altaïs
6 rue Saturne
74650 Chavanod

How to contact us ?

By phone  :
By email :

Data collected

The  « personal data » are the information that can be used to identify you directly or indirectly as only information or combined with other information. This will include in particular your complete name, your email address, your phone number, your specific location, your device IDs, some cookies and customer network, your order records or any exchange information with our departments.

Protection of personal data

As a e-shop we need to collect some personal information in order to handle the orders correctly. We process all these data with the greater confidentiality.

You can ask an export of your personal data, it’s data portability. To do so, it would be necessary for you to contact us by filing  contact form. A link will be sent to you shortly.

We carefully select our partners for their commitment to meet General  Data Protection Regulation set up in May 2018.

Compliance with the European and French regulations

In accordance with the Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés) of 6 January 1978, you have a right  to access,  rectify, modify , delete any data that relates to you. You can exercise this right by our contact form via our webiste or by sending us a letter to the following address :

Parc Altaïs
6 rue Saturne
74650 Chavanod